
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

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Shalom. I am Rev.Pastor Nkaimbi Denis Tah. I am a holder of a Bachelor’s degree in theology from the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary Ndu. I am a Pastor of the Cameroon Baptist Convention working in Noni Sub-Division as the Resident and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Kochi-Nkor.
Coordinator for LICHA, Lower Noni

Rev.Pastor NkAIMBI Denis TAH Biography

 Shalom. I am Rev.Pastor Nkaimbi Denis Tah. I am a holder of a Bachelor’s degree in theology from the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary Ndu. I am a Pastor of the Cameroon Baptist Convention working in Noni Sub-Division as the Resident and Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Kochi-Nkor. When the Vision bearer of LICHA-CAMEROON shared the vision to me, I quickly bought it after studying its mission, vision, and objectives. LICHA’S vision to enhance skills, Alleviate Poverty, and Change lives positively is highly commendable. Having been working in the above-mentioned community for seven years (7years) today, I have noticed that the underprivileged people are willing to do a lot of things but lack better skills to excel. So, many people are poor for lack of skills that could enable them to engage in income-generating activities. Thus, the objectives of this organization are to empower the underprivileged by giving them access to education and giving them training that can grant them self-employment, improve on the living conditions of orphans and vulnerable persons in the society, improve on the welfare of member community through welfare ventures and volunteerism among young Cameroonians, etc. will bring about the change we have been longing for. As the Programs’ Coordinator for Lower Noni, I vehemently declare my absolute willingness to do my best in ensuring that the potentials of the underprivileged are enhanced and the better living conditions of orphans and vulnerable persons improved.

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