
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Co-Founder/ Coordinator
Njakoi Dogars Khan is my name. I am a holder of a bachelor’s degree in curriculum studies and teaching from the University of Buea. I am a teacher by profession with the Basic Education ministry in Cameroon precisely in Bankim, Adamawa Region of Cameroon
Co-Founder/ Coordinator for Adamawa Region

Dogars NJAKOI KHAN Biography

Dogars NJAKOI KHAN is my name. I am a holder of a bachelor’s degree in curriculum studies and teaching from the University of Buea. I am a teacher by profession with the Basic Education ministry in Cameroon precisely in Bankim, Adamawa Region of Cameroon. Being in the classroom for about eleven years, I have been coming across the underprivileged, the orphans, and the, it has been a burden to me as a member of this organization. By the grace of God, he has used us to train two in Bankim, one is now acquiring skills in Automobile Mechanic driving while the other is acquiring skills in fashion designing and about 8children have completed their primary education. As the Coordinator for LICHA-CAMEROON in the Adamawa region, precisely in Bankim, I believe that as the almighty God gives the entire LICHA team breath and the possibilities, we shall impact more lives in the society especially to the orphans, the underprivileged, and vulnerable persons in the society.

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