
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Resource Person
I am Yungong Relindis Naah. I am a Food and Nutrition teacher and a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Baking and Food processing from the University of Bamenda. It has always been my greatest wish to reach out to vulnerable persons in our Society especially Orphans, widows, street children, etc.
Resource Person

Relindis YUNGON NAAH Biography

I am Yungong Relindis Naah. I am a Food and Nutrition teacher and a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Baking and Food processing from the University of Bamenda. It has always been my greatest wish to reach out to vulnerable persons in our Society especially Orphans, widows, street children, etc. One of my worries has always been how to reach out to these vulnerable persons in society but Thanks to LICHA-Cameroon, I’m able to meet some of these persons and showcase my inborn skills especially in cookery by helping these categories of persons in society. This will go a long way to alleviate poverty and build a better Cameroon and the world at large.

My joy here is that LICHA has got the same Vision as me and this will help to improve the welfare of these vulnerable persons. I don’t regret belonging to this Non-governmental, non-religious, and non-profit making organization because I strongly believe that with LICHA, there will be a reduction in Poverty, juvenile delinquency, unwanted pregnancy, and all forms of moral decadence in the society. As a volunteer and resource person  LICHA in the domain of skills acquisition, I pledge to enhance the vision of LICHA because lives shall be change positively and communities develop for the welfare of humanity especially the under privilege, orphans, and the physically challenged.

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