
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

LICHA is also involved in humanitarian response to assist internally displaced persons, widows and affected communities to improve their Livelihood through varied interventions.

            LICHA offers opportunities to National and international volunteers to gain skills in development work and to become marketable, and contribute to development work while at the same time opening her doors for people to contribute in improving the lives of those in greater need.

I am Ngong Peter Tonain born into a poor family from the rural community of Below Sub-division in Boyo Division of the North West region of Cameroon. I suffered blindness at the tender age of 9 years. I hold an MSc in Developmental Anthropology; with a current duty-conscious position of a researcher. At the meantime I’m the director of projects for LICHA Cameroon. Lastly, though physically challenged—visually impaired. I have defiled all odds by desiring to put an indelible mark in the betterment of the lives of humankind subservient to myself.
Having the burning affection for humanity I came into the volunteering scenery of LICHA Cameroon in the year 2020, identically laden with the uncompromising ambition to join efforts in complementing the humanistic struggles of the founding father of LICHA and co. thereby, contributing my own little quota in building a social world that is worth livable to the vulnerable and the less privileged persons of my immediate communities and beyond. This passion is further driven at a time when my legendary North West and South West regions, not leaving out many other parts of the country are under senseless man-made disasters with ongoing surreptitious conflicting situations that are claiming so many innocent lives and further bringing untold miseries on vulnerable people.
Besides conceiving and putting together projects for LICHA, I have often derived a lot of pleasure from the numerous instances whenever I accompany the multiple teams of the organization on the field to put smiles on the faces of the eager clients and suffering masses of the respective communities. It has not only been moments of dishing out material assistance, but the psychosocial support and social rehabilitation accorded to victims of the various unfortunate circumstances have been making more meaning to me.
Positively, LICHA Cameroon is on a highway to posterity, judging from the ecstasy of unbending dedication and selflessness that I and the rest of the team members are presently putting in place to catapult to prominence the welfare of the human race that we are called to serve more than ever before. Prayerfully and hopefully, I look forward to more fruitful opportunities and reasonable partnerships wherein the organization shall be able to reach out to many added persons and communities.
Ngong Peter Tonain
I am Kum Nji Desmond born in 1998 in the rural community of Menchum division. I started school in 2004 and by 2009 i obtained first school living certificate, ordinary level certificate in 2014, advance level certificate 2016, bachelor in law and logic 2019, and a Masters in law and logic 2021. I am a young, versatile and vibrant Cameroonian with visual impairments with the purpose of fighting for the rights of persons with disabilities in particular and the vulnerable in general in a ceriegated and discriminated society .Briefly, I am a disability advocate. I joined LICHA Cameroon because the association matches words with action and its objective is to bring smiles on the faces of those from disadvantaged backgrounds. I volunteer as the communication officer for LICHA with the purpose of developing a good communication and marketing strategies of the organizations’ vision to the whole wide world. Since joining this purpose driven organisation and the team of selfless volunteers, we have been very instrumental in touching the lives of those who are in dire need: by providing access to education and other training that can guarantee self-employment to the less privileged, physically challenged, the orphans and other vulnerable persons. I addition, in-spite of my visual impairments, I often accompany the team of volunteers on several occasions to the field to address issues on sexual and reproductive health, gender based violence just to mention but these few .With the activities that LICHA has been able to do this far, it is for telling that in the next decades, the organisation will be able to partner with other international non-Governmental organisation's and why not linked to the UN system. By this, many lives will be changed and success stories will be told through the works of LICHA.
Kum Nji Desmond