
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

LICHA-CAMEROON is committed to finding solutions to persons from disadvantaged backgrounds who are affected in one way or the other. among these categories of people are children and women who are considered the most vulnerable in society. last year, LICHA-CAMEROON in partnership with GOTHSBESA CAMEROON organized a one-day seminar on baking and pastries, responding to preventing gender-based violence among young girls and women in conflict and crisis. After the one day training, a good number of young girls and women were selected and given micro-grants to enable them to start-up small baking and pastries business. the result has been tremendous as many of them are now financially independent and can take care of their families and also extend the largess to LICHA to continue helping others

Apart from this, LICHA Cameroon has involved young girls and women, teenage mothers, and widows in skills acquisition programs such as fashion designing, hairdressing, decoration, and other small income-generating activities to help them fend for themselves and their families. we equally offer free pre-marital and marital counseling, skills development, and career orientation programs to enable young girls and women to make a good career and marital choices in life.