
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Enhancing Skills, Alleviating Poverty and Changing Lives


We orientate and counsel students, advocate for the education of the girl child and provide Scholarships to the less privilege.

Food Sufficiency

We donate nutritious food stuffs to the orphans, the less privileged, the physically challenged
children and to the widows. Join us to fight hunger and starvation in poverty-stricken


We build a healthy society by educating young girls on sexual and reproductive health, gender based violence and also provide free sanitary pads. We advocate for the prevention of sexual transmissible diseases and also provide medical assistance-facilities. 

Clean Water and Sanitation

We facilitate the donation/sponsoring of projects to supply pipe borne water in rural
communities for the well-being of the less privileged and other vulnerable children. Spare a coin
to provide pipe born water to children.


Join us to give
hope to the needy


Helping Today, Tomorrow and Forever

LICHA-CAMEROON– Life Changing Humanitarian Association Cameroon is an apolitical, non-religious, non-profit making and non-governmental organization that seeks to bring hope, sustainable change and development to persons from disadvantaged backgrounds (the underprivileged, the physically challenged, the orphans and other vulnerable persons) by improving on their living conditions and empowering them to have access to education and other trainings that can guarantee them self-employment.


We provide urgent humanitarian response/assistance to victims of man-made and natural disasters nationwide, especially to the needy members of poor communities.

Disability Inclusion

We also strive for disability inclusion in all facets of the organisation and within the communities. We strongly advocate for equal rights and the participation of persons with disabilities in all activities in the community. Join us to advocate for a realistic disability inclusion society by sponsoring/educating a disabled person to acquire education or skills.


We orientate and counsel the physically challenged (the disabled), young school drop-outs, single teenage mothers, widows and other very needy persons of the society to acquire skills on sustainable income generating activities that can help them to be self-sufficient. In the end, we sponsor them to acquire these skills and also established them upon completion. Sponsor/educate a needy person to acquire a life transforming skill.





Always Open

In transforming lives and shaping destinies

Enhancing skills, Alleviating Poverty and Changing Lives.


Give Hope to the Needy

Creating an equitable, inclusive, and just society for all by empowering persons from disadvantaged and discriminatory backgrounds to become economically and socially autonomous, thereby enabling these persons to maximize their maximum potentials.

Inclusion, Equity and Transparency

Become a Volunteer

Why LICHA needs Volunteers

‘’No one is a self-made individual’’

LICHA therefore offers opportunities for
individuals and organizations all over the world to build professionalism, gain
experience and contribute to sustainable development in poverty stricken
communities in Cameroon and beyond. We also need volunteers for networking
and social capital by identifying talents and connecting to global opportunities for
services to humanity.