
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Category: Charity


Inclusive education through acquiring skills on Braille

It was another thrilling encounter with some over 200 Youths of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung, Mankon Bamenda- Cameroon, drilling them on grants/project writing


Capacity building on grant writing and volunteerism

It was another thrilling encounter with some over 200 Youths of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung, Mankon Bamenda- Cameroon, drilling them on grants/project writing


Community sensitisation on COVID vaccine

LICHA CAMEROON joint her voice with the regional delegation of public health Bamenda,the Ministry of Public health and the WHO


Inclusive education

LICHA CAMEROOOON partnered with the PIRL project in the University of BAMENDA as a Facilitator to create awareness on the practice of inclusion at the University of Bamenda.