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Tag: communities


Christmas Charity to the Needy

It was another thrilling encounter with some over 200 Youths of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung, Mankon Bamenda- Cameroon, drilling them on grants/project writing


LICHA Cameroon reignites hope in Chia Ophilia Mury

It was another thrilling encounter with some over 200 Youths of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung, Mankon Bamenda- Cameroon, drilling them on grants/project writing


Inclusive education through acquiring skills on Braille

It was another thrilling encounter with some over 200 Youths of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung, Mankon Bamenda- Cameroon, drilling them on grants/project writing


Capacity building on grant writing and volunteerism

It was another thrilling encounter with some over 200 Youths of Presbyterian Church Ntamulung, Mankon Bamenda- Cameroon, drilling them on grants/project writing


Community sensitisation on COVID vaccine

LICHA CAMEROON joint her voice with the regional delegation of public health Bamenda,the Ministry of Public health and the WHO